Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Big Sky

This past weekend we headed out to Montana...Big Sky Country for Lee Rahr's big Bithday celebration. The Trip was absolutley fantastic. The Ranch was amazing and had just about every type of landscape to explore....and we did just that! Here are some pics just to give a taste of how beautiful it was. It's truly the way to live!

Don't forget to click on the picture to get the full size! Some of the shots don't look as nice in the minimized image.

Of course it's the people that really made the trip.

Dogs are people too....

And I love to take some Flower shots. Hard to mess up when they are that beautiful.

Even more shots on Snapfish!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Family Update

It's been a little while, so this one is going to be long....but anyway, here's an update! Tate is growing....and growing....and then growing some more. Still only two teeth....but there's a 3rd just about to show. We got a backpack for him to tool around in and he loves it!

Backpacking has been giving the little guy a big appetite. He's really been digging on the cheerios lately!

Swimming with his cousins helps keep the leg rolls to a minimum (doesn't seems to be helping though)

A little video time!

Lastly....I've just changed jobs to a company called Vestas GO Green! They are based in Denmark and I believe are the biggest producers of Wind Turbine Energy in the world. I just took a trip down to Wasco (Dalles area) where PGE has a wind farm with 78 of Vestas's turbines. These things are HUGE...the pictures don't do them justice. They stand between 180-220 ft high and the top part of the turbines (called the Nacell) can fit @ 8 people standing in them for maintenace & servicing.

The Best part is I get to Bike to work! If you see this bad boy one the road....make way :-)

Random Poco Pics