Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Family Update

It's been a little while, so this one is going to be long....but anyway, here's an update! Tate is growing....and growing....and then growing some more. Still only two teeth....but there's a 3rd just about to show. We got a backpack for him to tool around in and he loves it!

Backpacking has been giving the little guy a big appetite. He's really been digging on the cheerios lately!

Swimming with his cousins helps keep the leg rolls to a minimum (doesn't seems to be helping though)

A little video time!

Lastly....I've just changed jobs to a company called Vestas GO Green! They are based in Denmark and I believe are the biggest producers of Wind Turbine Energy in the world. I just took a trip down to Wasco (Dalles area) where PGE has a wind farm with 78 of Vestas's turbines. These things are HUGE...the pictures don't do them justice. They stand between 180-220 ft high and the top part of the turbines (called the Nacell) can fit @ 8 people standing in them for maintenace & servicing.

The Best part is I get to Bike to work! If you see this bad boy one the road....make way :-)

Random Poco Pics

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