Friday, April 2, 2010

Sonia & Danny's wedding

Brett and I went to California at the end of March for our friends' wedding - Sonia & Danny got married on a perfect sunny day at the St. Regis Hotel in Southern California. It was such an incredible experience. Sonia is Indian, and as you can see from the photos below, they know how to throw a beautiful wedding. If I was more adept at the whole blog thing, these photos would be in order, but I'm not, so you just have to muddle through :)

We had a fantastic time at the wedding, and Sonia is such a dear friend, i still get a bit choked up thinking about her getting married to such a great guy. Ah, happily ever after ... :)

The happy groom!

Me, Sonia and Lisa, just a few minutes before the wedding started.

Rachel & Sonia

Me and Brett - all decked out in our Indian clothes!

The view from our hotel room, looking down on the wedding site.

My henna tatoos - pretty cool, but nothing close to what Sonia had.

One of the ceremonies on Friday - Sonia with her parents and their priest.

Me, Danny and Brett - right before the Barat - the ceremony where the Groom leads a procession of dancing, drumming and singing with his family and friends to the wedding (traditionally, they'd come from the groom's village and process all the way to the bride's village - in our case, we just came from one side of the hotel to the other) .

Danny walking down the aisle with his mother-in-law-to-be.

Sonia and her dad, walking down to the wedding.

The first dance for the bride and groom.

The reception!

Sonia and her parents.

Me - wearing a bindi!

Getting ready for the Friday morning ceremony - she'll be covered in yellow tumeric shortly.

Sonia getting her henna tatoos - this process took well over 2 hours!

The Thursday evening festivities begin! Sonia with her dad and brother.

1 comment:

kate said...

Beautiful photos Tricia!