Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Here's a quick update! Tater turned 2 this past weekend. It's hard to believe he's already 2....he'll be off to college soon.....getting married.....putting us in a home.....C'est la Vie..:-) I'm sure Tricia will add some more BDAY pics in a bit.

Want Some Chalk? Tate liked using the sidewalk chart at the Overlook Park Birthday gathering.

I think the kids got some talent....his finished picture drew quite a crowd.


Birthday boy!

Tate likes the boucey bridge. Notice how he uses his knees...it's very important to bouce with your needs apparently.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So coordinated & SO cute. He's growing so fast I can't believe it. Thanks for posting all these; they really are a great way to keep up when we're not there to watch the play by play! See y'all soon. Jamie