Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tate's 2nd Birthday

So, he's only two, but already Tate has mastered the art of stretching out his birthday celebration beyond the single-day party. Instead, he had a birthday weekend - including a trip to Salem to have a pool party, a play in the park and a BBQ with his cousins, then a second party with some neighbors who also have birthdays in August - this time we went to the park, played with sidewalk chalk and topped off the day with some water-baloons!
Fun with side-walk chalk

Tate from way-up-high on the jungle gym

He didn't like the hat - we were only able to grab one quick photo of him in it!

Cousin Marissa turned 8 on the 14th, so we had two cakes. The more the better in my opinion!!

Swinging is good any day.

Tate LOVES swimming!

Post-swimming snuggle with Daddy :)
The diving board was a hit with all the cousins - Rhys takes off for a cannonball
Here are all of the cousins - from Left to Right: Tate, Elle, Hannah, Allison, Marissa, Dominic, Rhys, Rhen, Corbin

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